The Water Pirates (Hurting Salmon)

The Water Pirates is the first of many videos that explain why it is critical to defeat the water bond that will be on Californias November ballot. The $11 billion dollar measure is a pork-filled, naked power grab that will enrich a small group of wealthy powerful interests at the expense of an already bankrupt California – and thats just for starters. If it passes, it will kill The Delta and be the end for the biggest and most important estuary in North and South America, San Francisco Bay. Stop the water pirates! They are working hard to make publicly owned water their privately owned asset. Its happening now and the pirates need to be stopped! Watch and share this video. Vote NO on the water bond. Together, we can make what is wrong, right again.

More info:
Produced by: Salmon Water Now
Language: English
Year: 2011

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May 15, 2020  
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