Water…Life or Death

The video illustrates the water-shortage faced by Jordan, one of the ten most water-deprived countries in the world. Water is scarce, and getting scarcer in the wake of Climate Change, an expanding population, intensive agriculture and industrial growth. The less well-to-do are, naturally, the worst-affected. Every day, they conceive/employ ways to save from the water they get to use for their day-to-day needs. Increasingly, these household-level measures are proving inadequate.

An EMPOWERS intervention looks at the scarcity issue as one of governance. By decentralizing management to the local-level, better decisions can be taken regarding the design/ maintenance of the water supply system, and more water supplied, less wasted and more saved.

More info: EMPOWERS Thematic Group
Produced by: CARE International (producer) IRC, Sapiens Productions – UK (executive producers)
Year: 2007
Language: Arabic, with English subtitles

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May 15, 2020  
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