The WaterBlog

Words matter in many ways: on jargon

Frank van Steenbergen & Femke van Woesik Language matters a lot. It is not only the words themselves but who controls their usage, who decides how to communicate, and whether to do this on equal terms. This control shapes the conversation, often leading to an uneven playing field where some voices are amplified while others are silenced. Those who steer language influence how ideas are framed and perceived, making certain concepts seem universally accepted or unavoidable. Nearly 30 years ago, Robert Chambers, in his work ‘Whose Reality Counts?’ highlighted this power dynamic and his insights remain powerful today. He argued that language plays a crucial role in shaping development outcomes. He contends that those in positions of power often dictate the terms and concepts used in development discourse. Imposed standards, such as "income poverty" or "employment," frequently fail to capture the complex realities on the ground. Chambers emphasized that this control over language often leads to policies that miss the… Continued

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Cactus, the Arid Miracle

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Moon Water

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The Power of Dew

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Managing Mega Irrigation

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The Origin of Measuring Time

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Good Neighbours

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How the British did it better

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Eye on the Nile

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Cold weather irrigation

{jcomments on}posted by Frank van Steenbergen November 22, 2012 With demand for fruit and vegetables increasing all over China, greenhouses … Continued