India- Borewells and groundwater exploitation, Bangalore

Bangalore sits on hard rock terrain with a gneissic and granite base and a thin layer of weathered rock. Groundwater is found in cracks and crevices and is not plentiful. In the suburbs , groundwater is the major source of water for households,industries and apartments. With a lack of hydro-geological understanding, bore well drilling is a risky business. People invest heavily since they perceive the borewell water to be under their control and plentiful. The main supply by the BWSSB comes for an hour only every alternate day. Huge investments have to be made by house owners for water.
Groundwater can be exploited by the landowner to whatever depths with no license. Their is no urban groundwater authority and no license required for sinking a bore well . There is no limit on the waters that can be pumped out. If water is to be managed sustainably , fossil water exploitation will have to end.
Can we create an Integrated urban water management institution and bring groundwater under sustainable management? Can we create rainwater harvesting structures and recharge the aquifer suitably? Can we put a restriction on groundwater drawal?This is the big water challenge before Bangalore.

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Produced by: Zenrainman
Language: English
Year: 2009
Region: Bangalore, India, South Asia

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