
To start to exist

posted by Allah Baksh and Frank van Steenbergen May 10, 2013 Postcard from Tharparkar, the desert on the border of Pakistan … Continued


Open Letter to UNICEF

posted by Frank van Steenbergen April 29, 2013 If you would head an organization whose mandate is to protect of the … Continued

Good Grab, Bad Grab

posted by Frank van Steenbergen April 22, 2013 With the large and sometimes overexposed attention for land grabbing in Africa, good … Continued

Pocket paradises

posted by Frank van Steenbergen April 01, 2013 Cities grow and there is nothing stopping them. In 2050 not half but … Continued

Freak Climate Changes

posted by Frank van Steenbergen March 04, 2013 While we ponder on long term climate change, and on what the middle … Continued

Cactus, the Arid Miracle

posted by Ahmed Albakri, Bothinah Albakri, Sharafuddin A. Saleh and Frank van Steenbergen February 18, 2013 Cactus is a miracle plant.  … Continued


Moon Water

posted by Frank van Steenbergen February 4, 2013 In the nineteenth century, as white farmers moved up north in what … Continued


The Power of Dew

posted by Frank van Steenbergen January 21, 2013 Even as surface water is overcommitted and even new groundwater resources get … Continued


The Origin of Measuring Time

posted by Frank van Steenbergen December 31, 2012 Several sociologists such as Johan Goudsbloem have chronicled the fascinating story of time – … Continued


Good Neighbours

posted by Frank van Steenbergen December 24, 2012 The coming year will be the International Year of Water Cooperation. While there … Continued