
WaPOR database

The FAO portal to monitor WAter Productivity through Open access of Remotely (WaPOR) The WaPOR data portal, developed by the … Continued


 Videos         For more videos on water productivity follow the link below.  

25% Alliance

25% Alliance The 25% Alliance is a community of practice that brings together a large number of Netherlands-based organizations that work … Continued


Water Productivity Hackathons What is a water productivity hackathon? Hacking is creative problem solving. During a 24 hour event a … Continued

Video Presentations

Videos These video presentations provide snapshots of flood-based livelihoods systems in Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Yemen, Malawi, and Myanmar     … Continued

Water and Finance

Water and Finance Public finance is a crucial risk area for corruption and mismanagement in the water sector, as large … Continued

Water Governance

Water Governance Good governance in the water sector helps prevent corruption. Governance systems determine who gets what water, when and … Continued

Water Integrity

Water Integrity Integrity is crucial for fulfilling the Human Right to Water and the Sustainable Development Goals. Far too often, … Continued